You are invited to the following event:
EV FEST 2ND PUBLIC EV CHARGING STATION SHOWElectric Vehicle Charging Stations around Ontario, and Toronto are Growing in Numbers, and not everyone is aware of many of the new locations!
This Event is the 3rd (Third) of what we hope to be many, many, such small events, and the Second for the General Public, where we will be creating a smaller event, showcasing the sites where there are more than one Electric Vehicle Charging Station available for Public Access.
This one is at (Click Link >) Toronto Region Conservation Authority - Head Office - a New Location only recently listed on PlugShare! Overflow EV Charging at IKEA, Next Door!
Sun, 22 January 2017; 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST
Toronto Region Conservation Authority
101 Exchange Ave
Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5R6

We will be inviting Electric Vehicle Owners and Operators with EV's and PHEV's to come out and Join us for a Charge, and to Meet other EV Owners, plus inviting Past EV Fest Guests, and the Public, for Events, to Join us and See Just how Easy and Quick it is for Electric Vehicles to be Connected and Disconnected from a Public Charging Station, and how convenient it is to use a Charging Station (IF Electric Vehicle Owners are willing to share these points)!

There will be a small Token Fee for these events, usually at the pocket change level, and the events will be shorter in duration than the normal EV Fest Show Hours. Donations for supporting Future Events and EV Fest Growth will also be accepted when Registering.
It is OK to come early - but if you come late - the event might be already over!
Guest and EV/PHEV Numbers may be limited, as these events will be generally in parking lot spaces where there is vehicle traffic, and there won't be an unlimited Number of Charging Stations.
Be Advised - Watch for Vehicular Traffic - Some Won't Be EV's!
Not All such Events will be Scheduled with a lot of notice, or with specific permission to have priority access to such Chargers, as they are Public, but as for much of the time most such sites are underutilized, and we will try to invite less EV Owners than the number of Charging Stations on site, so there is room for the general public as well, we feel that for the most part, this would be a great introduction of the realities of EV Charging, showcasing the benefits, and opportunities, as well as any learning opportunities for the uninformed public to develop a respect for Electric Vehicle Charging Spaces, their uses, and diplomacy.
Anyone wishing to Volunteer an assist with organizing these events, please contact us.